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Mindset for Success
Are you ready for things to be different?
Register Today
Saturday, April 10th
10:00 AM Pacific
Tuesday, April 13th
5:00 PM Pacific
Hosted by
Arehn McCarty
Have you been putting your life on hold until your kids are grown?
Do you feel frustrated because you know you could be doing so much more, and yet can't seem to make any progress?
You're smart and creative and yet only have vague ideas of what you really want.
Imagine being excited to get out of bed every morning full of vitality and living a life of purpose.
If this appeals to you join me for this free, 60-minute online workshop-
You will:​
Learn three keys to creating the life you want.
Learn how to kick fear to the back seat.
Develop a vision of a future you would love, that makes you say, “YES”!
Register for FREE below to Reserve Your Seat on
Saturday, Nov. 20th at 10:00 AM Pacific

Mindset for Success
Three Tools for manifesting
a life you love
Register Today
Saturday, Nov. 20th
10:00 AM Pacific
Hosted by
Rev. Arehn McCarty